Commercial waste management explained

Commercial waste management is constantly changing and becoming more complex as it does. It’s vital to get your company’s waste management right in order to stay on the correct side of the law. All businesses have a legal responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and other related legislation to safely contain and legally dispose of any waste produced from your business. Not doing so could end up costing additional time and money that could be better spent elsewhere, or legal action against your organisation.

That’s where TJ come in. Why not let us manage your commercial waste for you? Together we’ll come up with a plan, tailored to the needs of your business, and take all the hassle (and the waste!) away.

Total Site Waste Management

Our range of services coupled with our knowledge and expertise enables us to create a bespoke waste management solution for your business. Total site waste management is ideal for high volume waste producers at multiple locations seeking to use a single supplier to manage their waste collection, disposal and reporting.

We offer a customer portal (which to access, you will need to sign up to) that will give you access to our custom template for construction site waste management plans, along with access to our powerful reporting tool.

Site Waste Management Plans

A Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) outlines how resources will be managed and waste controlled throughout a construction project. It will cover:

  • Who will be responsible for resource management
  • What type of waste will be generated
  • How the waste will be managed
  • Which contractors will be used to ensure all waste is correctly disposed of or recycled
  • How the quantity of waste generated during the project will be measured

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs recommends that all construction projects have a SWMP and that it should be used as a flexible resource efficiency tool. As well as saving you time and ensuring your waste disposal is being legally done, having a SWMP may help you win business because you can use it to prove your environmental performance, which will in turn enhance your reputation.

We will work with you to come up with an SWMP that will work for your business as well as being manageable. We’ll provide you with templates to complete your plan and act as consultants to assist you and advise on best practice.

You’ll also have access to the reporting tool, which you will be able to access to gain an insight into the breakdown of all waste activity including how much of your waste was able to be recycled etc.

TJ recently worked with Kenwood Delonghi to manage their waste in the correct way. TJ conducted a site audit and came up with best practices for the waste streams and made suggestions of what could be easily managed internally. As a result, TJ manage Kenwood’s three main waste streams: waste electrical equipment, general waste from the offices and canteen and dry mixed recycling such as bottles, paper, cardboard and some plastics. TJ agreed to ad hoc collections as and when needed to suit the client.

Confidential waste and recycling collection

Data privacy is always a hot topic. Take that particular worry away from your business by tasking TJ with disposing of your confidential documents. Our collection service gives you the ability to securely dispose of documentation, with a guaranteed certificate of destruction – it’s safe, secure and fast and helps you to fulfil your GDPR responsibilities.

Commercial waste disposal

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